God warns against creating false images of God. To protect us from this form of paganism God gave us His Word as a testimony to His character and nature. The ultimate manifestation of God is found in the life, teaching, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. He is the exact representation of God (Hebrews 1:3). He is the Word made flesh (John 1:14). He is Immanuel, i.e. God with us (Matthew 1:23)!
To accept any witness of God not based on His Word as expressed through Jesus is a rejection of Jesus’ testimony of God. Accepting Jesus as Lord means He becomes our Savior and life teacher, and we become His disciple. If we do not know God’s Word we have no certainty that we are actually following God’s Word, or Jesus’ interpretation of God’s Word, which means we are not really His disciple.
In order to keep us from going off the rails, we are taught to renew our mind with the Word of God. This is a major part of aligning our spirit and soul which establishes our heart. Our heart establishes our identity. In other words, we conform in our behavior and emotions to the beliefs of our heart.
When we don’t know the Word of God we have no idea if we are becoming more like God or more like a vain imagination of God!
The difference between faith and imagination is, the former is what you believe about God that is true, based on scripture; the latter is simply what you have chosen to believe. The limits of our faith are the limits of our Biblically-based beliefs in the character and nature of God, based on the revelation He has provided.
JOIN ME this week and discover how to remove the boundaries and limitations from your faith.